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Our Experience is in Every Cup!

Oct 1, 2018

Coffee 506 is a family-owned business in Costa Rica. Whether you are preparing the coffee purchased from our website or enjoying a cup at our coffee shop in Zona Franca, you are sharing our rich history and vast experience in providing gourmet coffee for coffee lovers all over the world.

Our History

The company was born in 2016 under the initiative of Mr. Alberto Quirós Silesky to find a good coffee so that the family could enjoy it at all times of the day. This led us to develop our farm where, with its quality standards and world-class certificates, we were able to buy one of the best coffees in the country. Under our brand Café 506, we have a coffee with the highest quality and made to satisfy the tastes of the most demanding.

The Farm

The coffee milling process utilizes solar panels and has the capacity to produce 80% of energy to the place. It is used for the whole drying process of the coffee as well as for the offices. The total kilowatts produced is 70Kw. The coffee harvest in Costa Rica is from October to February. The lots are selected before to know if it is optimal and it is picked by hand. Factors such as the quality of the soil, conditions of the climate, and high-quality processes and methods, are governed by three quality standards which Coffee 506 meets or exceeds.

Three Standards for Excellent Gourmet Coffee

1) Rainforest Alliance Certified – The seal assures consumers that the products come from farms managed under the rigorous standard Sustainable Agriculture Network (RAS), and provide workers and their families with dignified safety conditions, and protect wildlife and water bodies.
2) Bandera Azul – Certification given for the pursuit of conservation and development, as well as protection of natural resources, implementation of actions to address climate change, the search for better hygienic sanitary conditions and public health improvement of the inhabitants from Costa Rica.
3) Carbon Neutral – This certification guarantees the development of a carbon market where the emissions that cannot be reduced through the purchase of Costa Rican Compensation Units called UCC are offset. These are mainly linked to forestry projects such as reforestation or forest protection and energy efficiency.

You are Drinking the Best

You can easily see that our gourmet coffee is the result of years of careful planning and hard work while keeping the wellness of our environment and employees in the forefront of our processes. We invite you to drink our coffee today!


Don’t forget to visit us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/506coffee/ where we will post regular comments, articles, coupons, and special promotions!


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Contact Us info@coffee-506.com


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